He flew in from the constellation of Andromeda,
where his family of stone butterflies’ lives,
which are number one in their beauty for a thousand light years.
He got lost in the endless cosmos and landed on
Earth, to rest for a moment.
He is sad. He mourns with his beautiful colours for
the realm of stone butterflies.
There, they take off at the slightest whiff of scented winds.
Mother Andromeda gave them birth as such, the big red butterfly.
Planets and comets – sing,
the musicians of the moon – play,
the one from which the Big Bang was arisen,
Let the green protuberant cups burst.
And the shiny goblets of the galaxy.
Let the fiery wine of the cosmos be spilled.
On the wedding sheets of endlessness.
Here she is, she is coming,
Star-tailed star-eyed star-crowned is coming.
With three suns in her eyes.
With nine moons in her bosom.
On the stone painter’s robe are all his paintings.
Scenes of the heavens with birds in the heights
, left-handed streams covered with autumn leaves,
blue distances and rosy dreams.
Three girls walking through a field of flowers.
Windy weather over the lake.
A lonely woman in the window.
A camel rider in the desert.
White sun and three other scenes.